The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Well, I've been a social worker/MHMR counselor, since 1982. I'm currently working in my hometown of Philly for the Dept. of Health as an intake/registration specialist w/ the mentally retarded population. I'm a newlywed, married to a great southern gentleman named Bobby, and I have a good, smart 11 yr. old son named Josh. I feel blessed for the most part- if you complain, what's the use really?? Listen, as someone who works in human services, I can tell you that Everybody has a story, w/ highs and lows. When you finally grow up and mature, you learn not to sweat the small stuff, and appreciate that you're still here, and remember to Thank GOD for what you got. Anyway, it's so much easier to smile, than frown, you know what I mean?!